Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 205: Mower

Hoping this new walking toy will help Lauren gain more confidence and start walking on her own. Yes, I know it sounds crazy that I want her to start walking, since that brings on a whole new set of parenting challenges. My baby is growing up sooooo fast!

Day 204: Kiddy Pool

It has been a HOT summer this year, so for most of it I have tried to keep Lauren and my nieces entertained inside. Well they have been asking for a little pool for Lauren so I finally decided to get her one. Even though I would never, ever leave her unsupervised in a pool I still had a fear of them so I got the smallest one I could find. It was the perfect size for Lauren and my niece to get in and cool off a bit.

Day 203: Wire Obsession

Yup, that's exactly what it is, an obsession! This child loves wires and I know I shouldn't do it and will regret it someday when she chomps down on a cord that is actually plugged in, but I do let her play with cords that are not plugged into anything. I try to hide them and she finds them! I take them away and she screams like she is being tortured. I really hope this obsession passes soon and she moves onto something a little less dangerous.

Day 202: Not Sure About This Snack Mom

So, I really have been trying super hard to only give Lauren healthy meals and snacks. We do organic as much as possible and I try to stay away from too many processed foods. Even though I hate to do it, sometimes I just have to give her something like these Fiddle Sticks because it is so convenient. I thought that she would really like them, I tried them and they are actually pretty good, but she didn't have much interest in them at all. She would take fresh fruit any day over most processed snacks and I love that about her.

Day 201: Cash Register

She loves anything that makes noise and lights up.

Day 200: Can't Get Her Out Of The Kitchen

I think this little girl is going to love to cook just like her mama.

Day 199: Do Not Attempt This At Home

Lauren loves to "help" me in the kitchen. I usually will sit her on the counter when I cook and I'll let her watch. Sometimes I will even give her the spoon so she can pretend to stir whatever I am making. Well tonight her dad was cooking, and he was actually letting her stir what was on the stove. I know this looks super dangerous but JJ was standing right by her.