Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 179: Love

Love this sweet little face!

Day 178: Mommy and Daddy's Anniversay

So this post is going to be more about me than it is Lauren, but I have to share that my wonderful husband bought me a new camera for my birthday/our anniversary. It's a Nikon D7000 and it is way more camera than I know what to do with right now. It's a good thing he also got classes for me so that I can learn how to use it. This is one of my first pictures taken with my new camera.

Day 177: Happy Birthday Levi

Lauren had lots of fun at her friend Levi's first birthday. She even tried cake for the first time, on accident. I really wanted her to wait until her birthday but I couldn't stop her from grabbing it off of my plate. Levi's cake may have been the best I've ever tasted (other than my wedding cake, which was pretty awesome).

Day 176: Biggio

Lauren loves her some Biggio.

Day 175: Zoo

The last time we took Lauren to the zoo she really didn't notice the chimps since they were so far away. This time she got to see them up close and personal.

Day 174: Garlic

Yup, that would be garlic that Lauren has in her mouth. For some reason, she absolutely loves playing with it. When we remodeled our kitchen we built bins into our island for onions/potatoes/etc. and we haven't had the glass installed yet so they are just open. Well once Lauren started pulling herself up she discovered that there were all these things for her to play with. Any time she's in the kitchen she pulls out the garlic and it will actually keep her entertained for a pretty long time.

Day 173: We Have New Floors!

We had wood floors laid in our master bedroom yesterday and Lauren loved being able to crawl around in the empty room. We put her in the laundry hamper and she had a blast being rolled around.

Day 172: Daddy's Birthday

Since Daddy got off work early today we decided we would surprise him with some Crave cupcakes and a little gift. It was nice that we all got to spend the day together.

Day 171: Watering Can

My little helper, helping water the peppers and tomatoes in our garden. She loves being outdoors.

Day 170: Happy Father's Day

Lauren bought her daddy a grill this year, despite the fact that he's almost burned down the house twice since we've lived here. I made him promise to keep this one far away from the house.

Day 169: Snail

I don't know why I didn't get a picture of Lauren today, but I did take one of one of her favorite toys.

Day 168: I Love Making a Mess

Lately Lauren has been pulling all her books off of her shelf, it is her new favorite thing to do.

Day 167: This is New

I don't think she really knew what to think about the prickly pear.

Day 166: My Daughter's Crazy Hair...

is driving me crazy! I really don't want to cut it and she fights me every time I try to put it up.