Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 205: Mower

Hoping this new walking toy will help Lauren gain more confidence and start walking on her own. Yes, I know it sounds crazy that I want her to start walking, since that brings on a whole new set of parenting challenges. My baby is growing up sooooo fast!

Day 204: Kiddy Pool

It has been a HOT summer this year, so for most of it I have tried to keep Lauren and my nieces entertained inside. Well they have been asking for a little pool for Lauren so I finally decided to get her one. Even though I would never, ever leave her unsupervised in a pool I still had a fear of them so I got the smallest one I could find. It was the perfect size for Lauren and my niece to get in and cool off a bit.

Day 203: Wire Obsession

Yup, that's exactly what it is, an obsession! This child loves wires and I know I shouldn't do it and will regret it someday when she chomps down on a cord that is actually plugged in, but I do let her play with cords that are not plugged into anything. I try to hide them and she finds them! I take them away and she screams like she is being tortured. I really hope this obsession passes soon and she moves onto something a little less dangerous.

Day 202: Not Sure About This Snack Mom

So, I really have been trying super hard to only give Lauren healthy meals and snacks. We do organic as much as possible and I try to stay away from too many processed foods. Even though I hate to do it, sometimes I just have to give her something like these Fiddle Sticks because it is so convenient. I thought that she would really like them, I tried them and they are actually pretty good, but she didn't have much interest in them at all. She would take fresh fruit any day over most processed snacks and I love that about her.

Day 201: Cash Register

She loves anything that makes noise and lights up.

Day 200: Can't Get Her Out Of The Kitchen

I think this little girl is going to love to cook just like her mama.

Day 199: Do Not Attempt This At Home

Lauren loves to "help" me in the kitchen. I usually will sit her on the counter when I cook and I'll let her watch. Sometimes I will even give her the spoon so she can pretend to stir whatever I am making. Well tonight her dad was cooking, and he was actually letting her stir what was on the stove. I know this looks super dangerous but JJ was standing right by her.

Day 198: Coconut Water

Lauren was not a fan of the coconut water. She would take a drink and then make this seriously cute face. She kept taking sips of it even though she didn't like it, kinda like when you just have to keep trying something because it should be good even though it really isn't.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Day 196: Take Out

I normally cook for Lauren, but tonight was just one of those nights and I didn't feel like making anything. So instead of a healthy, home cooked meal Lauren had her first take out meal. We ordered her spaghetti and meatballs and she really liked it.

Day 195: 11 months old

Where has the time gone? Only one more month until my baby turns 1 year old.

Day 194: Kisses

I recently taught Lauren how to give kisses and now she kisses everything. It really is adorable. She can also blow kisses.

Day 193: Learning About Electricity

Don't worry, she didn't actually touch anything. J.J. actually decided he was going to rewire our bedroom (no, he's never done anything like this before) so he thought he would have Lauren help him out a little.

Day 192: Peek a boo

Playing peek a boo with her bath towel.

Day 191: Caught

I guess Lauren decided she wanted a snack so she took the puffs out of the diaper bag and had at it. She also dumped a bunch of them on the floor. Such a guilty little face.

Day 190: Time for More Remodeling

We are finally getting to our bedroom after living in this house for 7 years. Can't wait until it is all done. Glad Lauren will never remember those awful blue walls.

Day 189: Dance

That's my baby dancing to the sounds of the guitar.

Day 188: Rain

Rainy days have been few and far between this summer, so when we finally did get some Lauren was mesmerized. She stood there for the longest time just watching the rain fall.

Day 187: Texting?

Lauren's latest obsession is the cell phone. Anytime there is a cell phone in sight she wants it. She loves to push the buttons and pretend to talk in it. What a smart girl.

Day 186: One of Those Days

and this was the best pic I could get.

Day 185: Home

Lauren was happy to be home after a long weekend away.

Day 184:Bubbles

Surprisingly she wasn't very amused by the bubbles, but it was fun anyway.

Day 183: Austin

Lauren had a great time in Austin. I got to spend the whole weekend working on her scrapbook while she and her dad spent quality time together. He got some great shots of her.

Day 182: It's Mommy's Birthday...

and I look super cute in my new pink polka dot flats.

Day 181: Oh No

This is what happens when mommy closes the door to the dishwasher, little miss Lauren throws a fit. Sorry honey, you can't play with those dirty knives that you always seem to go for as soon as I put them in.

Day 180: Friends

Lauren got to have her friend Axel over tonight because his mom and dad went out to dinner. They played so well together but just look at those faces. It's as if they are telling me that they don't want me around. I think it's just a little too early for that Lauren.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 179: Love

Love this sweet little face!

Day 178: Mommy and Daddy's Anniversay

So this post is going to be more about me than it is Lauren, but I have to share that my wonderful husband bought me a new camera for my birthday/our anniversary. It's a Nikon D7000 and it is way more camera than I know what to do with right now. It's a good thing he also got classes for me so that I can learn how to use it. This is one of my first pictures taken with my new camera.

Day 177: Happy Birthday Levi

Lauren had lots of fun at her friend Levi's first birthday. She even tried cake for the first time, on accident. I really wanted her to wait until her birthday but I couldn't stop her from grabbing it off of my plate. Levi's cake may have been the best I've ever tasted (other than my wedding cake, which was pretty awesome).

Day 176: Biggio

Lauren loves her some Biggio.

Day 175: Zoo

The last time we took Lauren to the zoo she really didn't notice the chimps since they were so far away. This time she got to see them up close and personal.

Day 174: Garlic

Yup, that would be garlic that Lauren has in her mouth. For some reason, she absolutely loves playing with it. When we remodeled our kitchen we built bins into our island for onions/potatoes/etc. and we haven't had the glass installed yet so they are just open. Well once Lauren started pulling herself up she discovered that there were all these things for her to play with. Any time she's in the kitchen she pulls out the garlic and it will actually keep her entertained for a pretty long time.

Day 173: We Have New Floors!

We had wood floors laid in our master bedroom yesterday and Lauren loved being able to crawl around in the empty room. We put her in the laundry hamper and she had a blast being rolled around.

Day 172: Daddy's Birthday

Since Daddy got off work early today we decided we would surprise him with some Crave cupcakes and a little gift. It was nice that we all got to spend the day together.

Day 171: Watering Can

My little helper, helping water the peppers and tomatoes in our garden. She loves being outdoors.

Day 170: Happy Father's Day

Lauren bought her daddy a grill this year, despite the fact that he's almost burned down the house twice since we've lived here. I made him promise to keep this one far away from the house.

Day 169: Snail

I don't know why I didn't get a picture of Lauren today, but I did take one of one of her favorite toys.

Day 168: I Love Making a Mess

Lately Lauren has been pulling all her books off of her shelf, it is her new favorite thing to do.

Day 167: This is New

I don't think she really knew what to think about the prickly pear.

Day 166: My Daughter's Crazy Hair...

is driving me crazy! I really don't want to cut it and she fights me every time I try to put it up. 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 165: Lauren and Mommy

I'm trying to get JJ to take more pictures of me and Lauren, but every time he does I'm usually in my lounging clothes, have no makeup on and my hair is in a pony tail. Most of the pictures get uploaded to my computer and then never seen again. This one is half way decent, and I was actually dressed in normal clothes so I decided I would put one up of me and Lauren.

Day 164: I'm Stuck!!

Lauren is into EVERYTHING these days. When J.J. brought this box of wood flooring in of course she had to investigate. She managed to get on top of the box, but when it came time to get off she freaked out a little. I had to get a picture, but I did "save" her once I got a good one.

Day 163: 10 Months Old

Oh my goodness, where is the time going?!?! I can not believe my little baby is in double digits! She looks so grown up in this picture.

Day 162: Lauren's First Taste of Chocolate

Now before you go judging me for giving Lauren chocolate at 10 months old, it was completely by accident. Her daddy was "watching" her and left some bite sized pieces of candy right within reach, and in one of her favorite spots. I knew something was up because it was really quiet for a few seconds so I asked him where she was. When he turned around she has a mini Snickers bar in her mouth! I freaked out a little because of the peanuts, but it really was cute. She had the most guilty and chocolaty face. I think JJ finally realizes that he can't leave things within her reach, or she will get them.

Day 161: New Beach Toys

Now if only we lived closer to the beach so that she could actually use them properly. I guess we need to get her the second best thing, a sand box.

Day 160: Mad Baby

This is Lauren's "I'm tired but do not want to go to sleep" face. Isn't it just precious.

Day 159: Baby Chicks at the Children's Museum

I'm a little ashamed to say this, but I had so much fun at the Children's Museum when I took my students last week! So much fun that I decided I had to take my nieces and nephew there since they are staying with me this week, and I needed to get them out of the house. I really am a kid at heart, and Kidtropolis is sooo amazing! It's like a miniature city! It has a news station where kids can give the weather report, a cafe where they can serve their parents "food", and even a vet clinic. It totally made me want to be a kid again. I can't wait until Lauren is old enough to experience everything they have to offer. For now though, seeing the baby chicks kept her pretty entertained. She loved them. Maybe next time we will even get to see them hatch.

Day 158: Lauren & Daddy

Lauren spending some quality time strapped to her daddy.

Day 157: Cousin Time

School is out, which means Lauren's cousins get to come stay with us. Lauren immediately took to my nephew Tristian, she could not get enough of him holding her. When he would put her down she wanted him to pick her right back up again. I love that she was so comfortable with him, especially since he always asks about her. Just look how cute she is with her head resting on his shoulder : ).

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 156: A New Friend

Lauren loves dogs, so she immediately took to our friends' dog while we were with them. This dog was so sweet, she let Lauren crawl all over her and she didn't even move.