Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 86: Kitty

We went to visit our friends Abbey and Bo today, Abbey is a little over 5 months pregnant : ). Anyhow, they have a cat and this is the first time Lauren has ever seen one. She loved him, and Harley was nice enough to let Lauren pet him for a little while.

Day 85: Cuddling

JJ saved me again. I have been having a very hard time keeping up with this blog. I'm surprised I've actually done it this long. Hopefully once school is out I will get some more creative shots of Lauren.

Day 84: Sleepy Baby

Didn't I tell you that my child would fall asleep anywhere? I guess she really enjoyed her dinner, she passed out right after she finished eating.

Day 83: Wiggle Worm

My baby loves to twist and turn and make it almost impossible for me to change or dress her. Here she is trying to turn over while I'm trying to get her ready for bed.

Day 82: Snuggle Bug

JJ remembered to take a picture this night because I was exhausted and forgot to do it. This is one of the things I absolutely love about him. I think it's adorable how Lauren snuggled up to me while we were sleeping. This is what makes it so hard to transition her to her own room.

Day 81: Big Spoon

Lauren loves to stick everything in her mouth these days, and she also thinks that what we eat, she should be able to eat too.

Day 80: Getting Down

My big girl trying to get down from the chair, feet first. Her sitter has actually been working on this with her, and she tried to do it on her own. Luckily her daddy was right there because it's still a little too high for her.

Day 79: Crawling

When Lauren was first born I could not wait for the day until she started crawling, it's such a huge milestone. Now that she is crawling, I really miss the days when she was content just sitting in her swing, or doing tummy time on her mat. She is all over the place now, and it's exhausting!

Day 78: Sleepy Baby

I love that Lauren will sleep anywhere. She really is a good baby in that respect, well actually she's a really good baby pretty much all the time. We were at JJ's sister's house this night watching UFC and since it was her bed time we made her a little pallet on the floor.

Day 77: Play Date

During the pregnancy JJ and I took a childbirth class called the Bradley Method. Even though the techniques they taught us didn't really help during the actual childbirth, we did meet two amazing couples, so because of that the class was well worth it. These are the other "Bradley" babies, Axel and Mary.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 76: Happy St. Patrick's Day

Lauren's first St. Patrick's Day.

Day 75: Water

Lauren has become so fascinated by the water during bath time. It was so cute watching her try to grab the water, and then not understand why she couldn't.

Day 74: Good Morning

Lauren actually laid in bed, under the covers and watched Good Morning America while I got ready for the day. She is such an angel.

Day 73: Plastic Cheese

Lauren "eating" her plastic cheese in her cow print diaper : )

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Day 72: Lauren and Kennedy

This is a picture of my cousin's little girl Kennedy. Lauren loved getting to hang out with her older cousin, and Kennedy was so sweet with Lauren.

Day 71: Seagulls

We went to Rockport this weekend to visit my aunt and uncle who are down here in Texas for the winter. When we took Lauren to the beach she got so excited seeing all the seagulls. She could not stop laughing and squealing. Here is a picture of Lauren with her great-aunt Cindy.

Day 70: Outside

This is the first time Lauren has sat in the grass on her own. She loved it and had so much fun. Oh, and her dad is the one who put pink socks on her when she was wearing a purple onesie.

Day 69: Lauren's Purple Cup

I think I've mentioned the purple cup before, but I will again because she really does love this thing. It came with a little kitchen toy that her grandma got her for Christmas, and this is the only part she really likes. If this thing is amongst other toys on the floor, she will go to the purple cup. It's pretty awesome at calming her down when she's in her car seat that she hates.

Day 68: Eating with Dad

Why is it that when I feed Lauren she is always clean afterward, but when JJ feeds her this is what she looks like? I guess I can't complain though, since he was helping me with the feeding.

Day 67: Putting Laundry Away

Today while JJ was putting clothes away Lauren grabbed a hanger and a sweater, then put them together. She is a little genius ; )

Day 66: Cruising

I love this look on Lauren's face, like she's just not sure about this standing business.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 65: Brush Those Teeth

Tonight was Lauren's first time to have her teeth brushed. I was surprised that she actually seemed to enjoy it.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 64: Time for Bed

Tonight I managed to get a shot of Lauren before we went to bed. I am very proud of myself.

Day 63: Standing Tall

So like I said in an earlier post, Lauren has learned how to stand on her own. The only problem is that she doesn't quite know how to get back down to a sitting position. She loves this lion, but she has a meltdown every time she wants to sit back down. It's so cute seeing her get "stuck".

Day 62: Sleeping in Daddy's Arms

Another busy night where I didn't have time to get a good picture of Lauren. When I came to bed tonight this is how I found Lauren, curled up in her daddy's arms. Obviously putting her in her crib isn't going so well.

Day 61: Wake Up Time

I love how happy Lauren always is when she wakes up in the morning. She usually has a big, cheesy smile on her face. And of course the messy 'do.

Day 60: Another Sleeping Picture

Yet another picture of my beautiful sleeping baby. This is my go-to when I don't have enough time in the evening to snap a picture.

Day 59: Yummy Books

As a teacher I know how important it is to instill a love for reading as early as possible. We try to read to Lauren every night, and I think she has really started to enjoy it. Sometimes I think she likes the actual book more than the story though. Tonight she would not let me finish reading, she kept grabbing the book so she could put it in her mouth. I soon gave up and she just sat there and gnawed on it for awhile.

Day 58: My Daughter is Standing

As if I wasn't a paranoid enough parent as it is, today Lauren surprises me by standing up in her crib when she woke from her nap. Now, I knew it had to be coming soon since she has been crawling for a little while and she sits up on her own, but I was not ready for this. I just can not believe that my little baby was able to pull herself up and STAND! I guess we will be moving the crib mattress down tonight.

Day 57: Sacrifices

One of the reasons I waited so long to have a child was because I was a very selfish person, and I know that with kids comes sacrifice. When we decided that I would become a stay at home mom, I knew that I was going to have to sacrifice pretty big. Today I traded my brand new Tahoe for a 2007 Honda Accord. Because I will no longer have a car payment this is going to make it much easier on us when I am not getting a paycheck anymore. It was hard, but knowing that I won't have to be away from my daughter for 10 hours a day anymore makes it all worth it.