Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Day 150: I Can Feed Myself

Well, my sweet little baby will no longer let me feed her, and she is done with eating purees. On one hand, it's really nice because now we just give her whatever we are eating, assuming that it is not shellfish or a chocking hazard. But on the other hand, it makes me sad because she is just growing up way too fast. It seems like just yesterday we were giving her her first bite of solid food, now she thinks she is such a big girl and won't even let me feed her. I guess this is just the beginning of this new found freedom for her. Before I know it she's going to be asking for the keys to the car.


  1. Thank you! She gets comments on them all the time when we are out. I don't know if you've ever noticed JJ's eyelashes, but they are super long too. I guess she gets them from her dad.
