Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 34: Sick Baby

Up until today Lauren had never really been sick. The only problem that we've had is that she has reflux, which means that every time she eats she spits up massive amounts of milk. So much that I wonder how this child is actually growing. 
Today when I picked her up from Lucy's house she really wasn't acting like herself. She's normally a very happy baby who coos, smiles and laughs, unless she's tired or hungry. Not today. She was quiet and just didn't seem well. Lucy said that she thought she might be constipated because she has been straining. When we got home I changed her and noticed a little bit of blood in her stool. It looked like little red strings, which I had read
could be from her straining and being constipated. I called her pediatrician and the nurse said it was most likely constipation, so we went on with our evening routines and didn't think much of it. When it came time for dinner Lauren didn't really seem interested in her dinner, which was odd since she devoured her peas the past few days that she's had them.
Once we went to bed things started to get worse. She began to actually vomit. I knew it was different than the reflux because she was actually hunching over and heaving before it came up. I felt so awful, and she just looked beat. This continued a few times and then she finally fell asleep. We called the nurse again and she told us to call in the morning and that the pediatrician's office should be open (it was the night that we were expecting ice and snow). This is a picture of Lauren once she fell asleep.

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